A social worker is always on a quest to achieve the impossible.Noha Roukoss
Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day.Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.Chinese quote.
Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls,the most massive characters are seared with scars.Khalil Gibran
No one is born fully-formed:it is through self-experience in the world that we become what we are.Paulo Freire
Beirut "Sit Al Dounia"All Lebanese for Beirut "Sit Al Dounia"
Welcome To Social Workers' Syndicate in Lebanon
We, Social Workers’ Syndicate in Lebanon, seek to protect the specialist and the beneficiary together, through the development of experts’ competences, promote the profession itself, and create favorable conditions for the qualified aspirations of concerned parties.
“ We strive through our jobs to make a social change through reinforcing communication on both individual and group levels in order to enable them to participate effectively in the community development. ”
Our job, which leans on scientific theories and professional technics, is based on rules and both ethical and humanitarian principles with a view to achieve social justice and equality. We are always preoccupied with building human relationships with others, fill the gaps and create a safe and appropriate space to meet the needs and raise them according to various levels of social work.
In order to contribute and reinforce our job, we need to coordinate our efforts and inform every specialist in social work in Lebanon about the work of the syndicate with all credibility. That being said, we established this permanent website for proper communication, it will shorten distances and contribute to the exchange of scientific and technical knowledge related to our field. Through this website, we will raise awareness and the level of protection of the professionals in the interest of the profession, the professionals and the beneficiaries.
And letting the echoes of our voice be heard on all levels; nationally, regionally and internationally.
Nadia Badran
President of the Social workers Syndicate in Lebanon
What is social work
Social Work is a discipline and a professional practice aimed at improving the social functioning of individuals through the implementation of actions with promotional, preventive and recovering dimensions.
Fields of social intervention involve:




Peace of Mind
Levels of Interventions

Social intervention with individuals and families
- Defend the social rights of individuals and families so as to allow them a more satisfactory balance between themselves and their environment.
- Stimulate and mobilize the capacities of individuals and families to improve access to personal and environmental resources.
- Identify the problems and difficulties experienced by the individual and / or his family; In order to enable the modification of personal, social, psychological, health and material conditions….

Social Work with groups aims to:
- Encourage the integration of a person into a group that constitutes a social unit.
- Promote the personal change of attitudes and behaviors among people who share the same difficulties, problems, interests, aspirations…
- Allow the individual to develop personal capacities to solve problems with the support and the mutual aid of the group
- Mobilize the capacities of individuals and groups to promote both individual and collective change.

Community Social Work aims to:
- Initiate and lead development projects that must respond to priority needs.
- Work with the community where “they are”.
- Raise awareness, mobilize and engage the participation of the population in the reflection and resolution of their problems.
- Encourage the rise of local leaders so that the community can be empowered
In a Social Workers Shoes
Peace of Mind
Understanding your Brain
Case Manager .01
In the role of a Case manager, the social worker locates services and assists their clients to access those services.
Counselor .02
In the role of counselor, the social worker helps clients express their needs, clarify their problems, explore resolution strategies, and applies intervention strategies to develop and expand the capacities of clients to deal with their problems more effectively.
Mediator .03
In the mediator role, the social worker intervenes in disputes between parties to help them find compromises, reconcile differences, and reach mutually satisfying agreements.
Researcher .04
In the researcher role, a social worker evaluates practice interventions and with others evaluates program outcomes. The researcher critically analyze the literature on relevant topics of interest and uses this information to inform practice.
Educator .05
In the Educator role, social workers are involved in teaching people about resources and how to develop particular skills such as budgeting, the caring discipline of children, effective communication, the meaning of a medical diagnosis, and the prevention of violence.
Roles of the Social Worker
Anti-anxiety Treatments
Family difficulties
Sedatives and anxiolytics
Mood stabilizers
06. Advocate
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07. Manager
As managers, social workers are better able to influence policy change and/or development, and to advocate, on a larger scale, for all underprivileged people.
08. Facilitator
In this role, social workers are involved in gathering groups of people together for a variety of purposes including community development, self-advocacy, political organization, and policy change.
09. Community change agent
as a community change agent, the social worker participates as part of a group or organization seeking to improve or restructure some aspect of community service provision. A change agent, working with others, uses a problem-solving model to identify the problem, solicit community input, and plan for change.
10. Broker
In the role of a broker, a social worker is responsible for identifying, locating, and linking clients to needed resources in a timely manner. Once the client’s needs are assessed and potential services identified, the broker assists the client in choosing the most appropriate service option and assists in negotiating the terms of service delivery.
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Contact Info
Become a Volunteer
Becoming a volunteer with the SWSL is a life changing experience for both you and the SWSL.
To become a volunteer, please send us your request consisting of a CV and a letter of motivation by email to the following address: info@swslb.com

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